Tuesday, March 22, 2022

BLOG #3: Values of Free Expression

There are eight main values of free expression within our nation. These values consist of a marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and promote dissent. Each of these values play a vital role within our government and the freedoms we have under the first amendment. Of the eight values I believe a marketplace of ideas and check on governmental power resonates with me the most.

 To begin, a marketplace of ideas is such a strong value in any situation. To have the ability to truly speak out and say what we are thinking and feeling here in America is such a privilege compared to other parts of the world. Having the capability to hear other peoples' opinions and ideas in order to better a situation is truly incredible. For example, I am currently taking a Strategic Management class where I work with a team to run a stimulated business. When making decisions, we all throw out our ideas good or bad in order to come to a consensus. By having a marketplace of ideas, we are able to see the positives and negatives of a decision and we are able to come up with ideas that others would have never imagined. Another example in which I believe a marketplace of ideas is extremely present but also controversial is within our press. For example, in class we have been talking a lot of news sources. This consists of different tv networks, websites, magazines, books, and social media. Each one of these platforms has their own ideas and their own opinion. This is such a crucial example of a marketplace of ideas that is truly prominent in society today. Many of the laws in our nation have been developed through a marketplace of ideas and will continue to do so throughout the future. In the Social Theory Practice, a journal of social philosophy, John Stuart Mill explains that "all ideas must be allowed to be expressed freely in order to serve the ultimate end: human progress." I could not agree more with this statement. If individuals were not allowed to express their ideas, our society would be stuck in a constant revolving cycle. We would not find solutions to issues, create new innovations, or grow as a society, we would just be...stuck. I personally think that all seven other values of free expression within our nation truly piggyback from the value of a marketplace of ideas. 


        Check on governmental power is another one of the eight values that really stands out to me. As Americans, we are part of the checks-and-balances process. Without this restraint put on parts of the government, certain brances could gain too much power. If a branch gains too much power and steps outside their responsibilities, our whole government system can start to plummet. As Americans, it is our duty and right to vote. We are able to choose what and who we like and do not like while voting. The legislators we nominate into power are our voice. We have the capability to choose and have a say in what we want or don't want, a privilege many other countries do not have. For example, throughout class we have recently been talking about the Supreme Court and judicial system. Our judicial system has the ability to check on the law-making powers of the executive and legislative branches. I actually tried to research times in history when checks and balances have failed, but every website just kept bringing up how former President Trump completely destroyed our checks and balances system. I completely disagree with this opinion and actually find it funny how this kept coming up throughout my search. This is just a prominent example of biased press which is a huge issue and concern within our nation, yet is completely legal because of our First Amendment rights.

The eight main values of free expression are extremely important to know and understand. Without these values, America would not be where it is today. Throughout the history of our nation, these values have definitely shaped and devloped, yet the foundation has stayed the same. 

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