Wednesday, April 6, 2022

BLOG #9: Diffusion of Innovations

Diffusion of Innovations is a neat concept that explains many different situations and scenarios. With this concept, we are able to to break down and see the timeline of what really led to the idea that we have today. I have decided to break down the social media platform, Snapchat.

The photo above demonstrates the Diffusion of Innovation Model. Starting from left to right we have the Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, and Laggards. 

The Innovators are defined as the people who want to be the first to try the innovation. When talking about Snapchat, we can say that the Innovators are Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown. All three men were former students at Stanford trying to find a way to communicate via picture without words or text. 

The Early Adopters are defined as the people who are aware that they need this innovation and want to join. They share their opinions and make it known to others that they are on the side of this new product. For Snapchat, the early adopters consist of  brands and people that jumped on board very quicky. Companies like Taco Bell and Audi who teamed up with Snapchat quickly to promote their brand while also releasing the new innovation to the public. 

The Early Majority of Snapchat is definitely the millenials. Millenials at the time were downloading the app left and right. They loved the concept of communicating in a fast and easy way without the use of words. 

The Late Majority of Snapchat users were those who were skeptical about the product and change but eventually decided to cave. They needed to see that the innovation was popular and worked before they decided to download the app. These consisted mainly of younger kids and additional businesses. They saw that many older teens and adults were using the product, so they wanted to join in and not be left out. Comanies saw that the platform was working well for advertising other companies, so they decided to join. 

Lastly, the Laggards are defined as the people who do not accept change and long for tradition. They do not like the concept of a new innovation and want things to stay how they once were. The Laggards of Snapchat were definitely the older generation. This consisted of grandparents and older people who were just not in favor or technology as a whole. They like face-to-face communication and find the concept of snapchat to be quite silly. 

Snapchat has come a long was since it was developed back in 2011. Throughout its coming of age, Snapchat had to cross a lot of barriers to get to where it is today. From the Innovators all the way to the Laggards, Snapchat has definitely grown in its own unique way. 


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